Аффин К.Мара родилась в деревне Анзурей. Она изучал развитие и образование детей в Университете Гази. Замужем, имеет двух дочерей. Учиться живописи она начал еще в школьные годы. Брала уроки живописи в разных мастерских и у разных учителей. Участвовала во многих групповых выставках. В мае 2014 года по приглашению Министерства культуры Республики Адыгея участвовал в выставке в Майкопе. Есть также работы мягкой пастелью, ее картины написаны в основном масляными красками.
Affin K.Mara was born in the village of Anzurey. From the JU family. He studied child development and education at Gazi University. He is married, has two daughters. He started his painting studies during his high school years. He took painting lessons from different workshops and teachers. He participated in many group exhibitions. In May 2014, he participated in the exhibition in Maykop as the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Adygea. There are also soft pastel works whose paintings are mainly oil paints. Kafka's culture, which he admires, is his indispensable subject.